Destroy the enemy tank with only the SPACE bar! Collect bullets and health and avoid getting shot. Use the action selection ring! 

The Action Selection ring highlights one of the below colors. Press space for your player to take action. Action Selection Colors:

  • Turn Left: RED
  • Turn Right: GREEN
  • Fire!: PURPLE

Originally created for the 1-Button Game Jam 2023: . This is my first game and published Godot project. Have fun!

I had big plans for this game, but it was awesome to limit the time that I had to work on it so that I was forced to keep moving forward. As the deadline approached, some features were eliminated, including multiple levels, sound fx, better instructions and a proper "Game Over" screen to indicate that you died or won the game. My coding also got a little sloppy(er) towards the end as I left in a lot of commented code and took ugly shortcuts to try to wrap things up.

In this game I experimented with AI generated assets. I never did get anything to give me workable spritesheets, but I did use the maps without any modifications. The vehicles took a little bit of post-generation work in GIMP to make usable, but it was easier than starting from scratch for someone with limited game asset design experience, like me.

Technology used in this game:

See the source:


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That bad guy will be really hard to beat, it looks like it benefits from easier control than mine ;) Joke aside, that's a nice way to implement a single button control on a tank, congrats!